Netflix has premiered the new Italian original series “Curon,” produced by the streaming platform and Indiana Production. The supernatural drama was directed by Fabio Mollo and Lyda Patitucci. The writing was edited by Ezio Abbate as a head writer together with the authors Ivano Fachin, Giovanni Galassi, and Tommaso Matano.
Ilaria Castiglioni, Netflix's Original Italian Series Manager, highlighted: "We are excited about this project, as ‘Curon’ is our first supernatural drama in Italy. It is a show that speaks about identity, and reflection on identity is the engine of all narratives. The desire to innovate and experiment with new voices are the elements that have characterized ‘Curon’ and our offer of original content in Italy."
The actress Valeria Bilello said: “The lights and shadows of Anna, my character, have to do with the same matrix, made up of courage and determination, which in the first part of the story take her away from Curon, and in the second part they bring her back to that place."
The plot of the series is about a mother and her teen kids who return to her mysterious hometown village in Northern Italy only to discover what lies below the surface of her past. Anna, played by Valeria Bilello, has just returned to Curon, her hometown, together with her teenage twins, Mauro and Daria. However, Anna suddenly disappears mysteriously. The boys will have to embark on a journey that will lead them to reveal the secrets that lie behind the apparent tranquility of the town. They will find themselves face to face with one side of their family that they have never seen before.
The cast includes Bilello Federico Russo (Mauro), Margherita Morchio (Daria), Luca Lionello (Thomas), Anna Ferzetti (Klara), Alessandro Tedeschi (Albert), Juju Di Domenico (Miki), Giulio Brizzi (Giulio), Max Malatesta (Ober) and Luca Castellano (Lukas), among others.