30 APR 2020


The digital platform's representatives will participate in the activity of Association, the Cinema, Audiovisual and Digital Council and its Committees.

30 APR 2020
Imagen Netflix espera ganar $15 billones de dólares por suscripciones en 2018

Reed Hastings, CEO de Netflix.

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Neftlix has officially presented its request to join the Italian Film And Audiovisual Multimedia Industries Association (ANICA), a natural step after the constant dialogue that has taken place in recent months, starting from the meeting in Rome last year between the founder of the streaming platform Reed Hastings and the President of the Association, Francesco Rutelli.

After the announcement of the opening of a Roman site, Netflix representatives will participate in the activity of ANICA, the Cinema, Audiovisual and Digital Council and its Committees.

Particular effort will be dedicated to sharing proposals to further improve regulation in Italy, in the interest of creativity, production and employment. These objectives must unite the chain in all its components, from the authors to the exercise.

Netflix will thus intensify the dialogue already undertaken with the film and audiovisual industries, extending it both to the traditional ANICA components (Production, Distribution, Technical Industries) and to the new components (platforms, digital, thematic channels) for films, series, animation, documentaries for the overall growth of the supply chain in Italy.

About Netflix’s investments planned in Italy, ANICA President Francesco Rutelli declared last year: “the announcement of Netflix is important. Lasting investments and partnerships with original Italian producers, both for films and TV series, will bring positive effects in our country. Dialogue has opened with ANICA, for the growth of the supply chain and for employment in our country”.

Previously Netflix and Italian Film Commissions have announced the creation of the Support Fund for TV and Cinema in the COVID-19 emergency with the aim of providing short-term emergency support to the workers and crews of the Italian audiovisual industry directly affected by the stop to local productions for the Coronavirus crisis.


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