"The Tourist"
RX France, formerly Reed MIDEM, announced that OneMIP, the networking and content showcase platform designed to run year-round alongside the company’s physical markets, goes live today in beta version. OneMIP integrates with MIPCOM, MIPTV, MIP China, MIPJunior and MIP Cancun to connect the largest global TV industry community of professionals.
The single destination provides one contact point for buyers, distributors and content producers providing year-round networking, content discovery and insights and to efficiently manage and follow up participation at face-to-face markets. These include the 59th annual MIPTV to be staged in person in Cannes from 4-6 April 2022.
Lucy Smith, Director, MIP Markets RX France said: "The ambition for OneMIP has always been to build a complementary platform to our physical markets globally. Nothing beats meeting in person, but OneMIP extends that reach year-round, enabling clients to catch up with each other online whilst discovering fresh content and insights. It is a further step in evolving the MIP experience - providing continuity and punctuating the periods between our in-person markets, and we’re delighted that people can now experience it."
Further content revealed for the platform includes: The world premiere screening on December 16th of the much-anticipated thriller "The Tourist" from All3Media International. Set in the glowing red heart of the Australian outback it stars Jamie Dornan, Shalom Brune-Franklin, Danielle MacDonald, Ólafur Darri Ólafsso and Alexis Dimitriadas. "The Tourist" is a Two Brothers Pictures (an All3Media company) production for the BBC, UK with HBO Max, Stan Australia and ZDF Germany.
A new, online-only, "Fresh TV Mid-Season" presentation from The Wit. Available from early January, The Wit's Virginia Mouseler will deliver her take on likely trends for 2022 across unscripted formats, drama, factual and children’s genres, bridging her agenda-setting research sessions at MIPTV and MIPCOM.