The Director of Sovtelexport, the distribution branch of Russia Television and Radio, explains why new historical series "Elizaveta" has "all the chances to be even more successful than 'Ekaterina'.”
The Director of Sovtelexport, the sales arm of Russia Television and Radio, describes the huge success of strong drama series in Russia, Europe, and even Latin America.
The highlighted drama producer at Russia Television and Radio, reveals why stories based on real events are so popular at the current moment and how international audiences are caught by these titles.
The Director of Sovtelexport, the sales arm of Russia Television and Radio, anticipates the titles that the company will bring to the next edition of the Budapest market and explains the advantages and disadvantages of virtual events.
Sovtelexport, the official sales branch of Russia Television and Radio, highlights the premium series which was watched by more than 60 million viewers in Russia and offers the title to the rest of the world.