The CEO at New Films International detailed the different strategies that the distributor is implementing to keep in business and asserted that all the small companies need to merge under one stronger umbrella.
In a difficult time for everyone in the industry, small companies have to be more creative and join forces in terms of just surviving. Among the new strategies that the distributor New Films International is implementing is the reduction of the prices. “We reduced our prices to serve the digital platforms, to survive and get as much as we can,”, affirmed Nesim Hason, CEO of the company to Señal News.
Another attractive idea of the distributor is the creation of Library Kingdom cooperation. “We are trying to get to every platform on their prices to have the biggest exposure with individually independent titles,” explained Hason.
In the quarantine times, New Films International connects with its clients by Facetime, WhatApps, Skype and video, and audio meetings. “My team has a lot of experience and they have been with me for the past 32 years, which gives me the most help I need. Dealing with the clients online would be extremely hard without that.”, asserted.
The CEO of the independent distributor said that New Films International serves so far over 25 companies and it will be happy to serve anyone else who needs its help. “We all need to understand the market changed and we need to adapt to the new prices, some companies pay 50 dollars some of them 100 dollars but we don’t need to forget that everyone at home is watching television right now, so as much as they click, we are all going to make money,” affirmed.
As a conclusion, Hason opined that all the independent companies need to merge on one umbrella. “We have together enough power to survive in front of major studios and major digital platforms,” declared.
By Romina Rodríguez
We all need to understand the market changed and we need to adapt to the new prices” Nesim Hason CEO at New Films International