Latest news of gogobus

iABC, Annecy, and Telefilm: Winsing Animation\ 27 MAY 2024

Kids & Animation

iABC, Annecy, and Telefilm: Winsing Animation's upcoming global IP tours

China's leading company is set to participate in iABC and CICAF in Hangzhou, Annecy in France, and Telefilm in Vietnam with its popular IPs and new collaborations on brands.
Filmart 2024: Winsing launches a new feature film inspired by Chinese folk stories 1 MAR 2024

Trade Shows

Filmart 2024: Winsing launches a new feature film inspired by Chinese folk stories

The animated original "Fall into the Mortal Realm" will lead the company lineup along with its flagship preschooler and kids projects.
Winsing\ 7 FEB 2024

Kids & Animation

Winsing's two beloved series have their rollout across MENA

"GOGOBUS" is airing daily on BEIN Network, while viewers can also look forward to the spin-off series, "Team S.T.E.A.M.! Seasons 1-4," scheduled for public launch in MENA throughout February.
Winsing unveils exclusive showroom during 2024 Hong Kong Toy Fair 5 JAN 2024

Kids & Animation

Winsing unveils exclusive showroom during 2024 Hong Kong Toy Fair

Visitors to the showroom will be treated to an exclusive preview of the highly anticipated toy collection regarding Winsing’s flagship IP "GOGOBUS" and "GG Bond."
Winsing launched GG Bond and GOGOBUS\ 7 SEP 2023

Kids & Animation

Winsing launched GG Bond and GOGOBUS' new toylines on its Fall products event

The company introduced six new toylines derived from the flagship animation IPs, and also featured three original IPs "Mega Meow", "Mongo", and "Shadows of the Void".