A+E Networks has restructured its Senior Programming Team following the departure of Amy Winter. The EVP & head of programming at Lifetime confrimed plans to exit and to prioritize a “new path” combining business and entertainment. Elaine Frontain Bryant, who serves as EVP & head of programming at A&E, will now also take on the remit for Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network.“After much reflection, I have decided to embark on a new path, combining my passion for the creative aspects of entertainment with the business side of our industry,” Winter said. “While the media landscape is changing constantly, there are so many opportunities to build and lead businesses that develop world-class content, and I look forward to my next chapter.”
Winter’s departure has led to various modifications within the executive team, including role changes for Frontain Bryant and Eli Lehrer. Frontain Bryant and Lehrer will Boot report into Rob Sharenow, A+E’s president of programming.“Elaine and Eli are proven leaders with unparalelled track records of developing hit franchises and first-in-class content that resonates with viewers and drives the success of our industry- leading brands,” Sharenow said. “Both executives possess a unique mix of creative prowess, deep relationships in the creative community and an exceptional understanding of the type of content viewers crave. I’m confident Elaine and Eli will continue to elevate these storied brands and drive our future success.”
Other changes at Lifetime include EVP of scripted Tanya Lopez stepping down to take on a production deal to package and produce movies for the network. Lopez, who has been at Lifetime since 2007, will be transitioning into a production deal with A+E Networks, where she will continue to package and produce Lifetime Original Movies. “Lifetime is fortunate to have Tanya continuing to produce original movies for the brand that she has been instrumental in building through the years,” Sharenow said.
Based in New York, Winter began her tenure with the network in 2020, previously serving as UPtv EVP and General Manager. The hire reinstated the EVP/head of programming role, which was phased out in 2018 after the departure of Liz Gately. Lehrer, History Channel’s EVP & head of programming, has also had his remit expanded and will oversee A+E’s music arm. “I am grateful to Paul and the entire leadership team. I have made so many friends here at A+E Networks," Winter said. "And though I will miss collaborating on a daily basis with all of you, I look forward to cheering you all on as you continue to excel.”
Lifetime is fortunate to have Tanya continuing to produce original movies for the brand that she has been instrumental in building through the years.” Rob Sharenow A+E’s president of programming.