A+E Networks EMEA’s streaming channels History Play and Crime+Investigation Play launched on Prime Video Channels in Sweden on 27th June, and in Poland on 28th June.“We are committed to making our content available to as broad an audience as possible, and we are excited to bring the very best true crime and history content to an even wider audience through Prime Video Channels, especially as we launch even more original content in the spring, summer and beyond," Adrian Pilkington, COO of A+E Networks EMEA and GM Northern Europe, Middle East, and Africa said.
History Play, currently available in Sweden on telco company Telia, will also become available on Prime Video Channels. Customers in these regions will have access to A+E Networks EMEA’s programming as an on-demand subscription service. HISTORY Play and Crime + Investigation Play will be available in Poland, HISTORY PLAY in Sweden with an add-on subscription of just 7.99PLN in Poland and 39SEK in Sweden. With a 14-day free trial via the existing Prime Video app to watch anytime, anywhere on smart TVs, iOS and Android mobile devices, Amazon Fire TV, Fire TV Stick, Fire tablets, and games consoles and through the web.
History Play offers award-winning documentaries and factual series, including "The Curse of Oak Island," "Curse of Skinwalker Ranch," "History’s Greatest Mysteries with Laurence Fishburne," and "The UnXplained" with William Shatner. From launch, customers in Poland and Sweden will enjoy ground-breaking stories and characters, like Rick and Marty Lagina, on their mission-of-a-lifetime to seek out Captain William Kidd’s treasure on Oak Island, Nova Scotia; Laurence Fishburne exploring some of history’s most perplexing and enduring mysteries, and William Shatner going boldly where no-one has gone before in his investigation into all things “UnXplained.”
Crime+Investigation Play will offer subscribers the very best of A+E Networks EMEA’s true crime content, including hit series Meet Marry Murder, Robbie Coltrane’s Critical Evidence, and #TextMeWhenYouGetHome available from launch. The expansion of A+E Networks EMEA’s Play services on Prime Video Channels in Poland and Sweden follows the company’s product successes in the UK, Germany, and Austria.
We are committed to making our content available to as broad an audience as possible, and we are excited to bring the very best true crime and history content to an even wider audience through Prime Video Channels, especially as we launch even more original content in the spring, summer and beyond.” Adrian Pilkington COO of A+E Networks EMEA and GM Northern Europe, Middle East, and Africa