The BBC will soon launch a local animation talent fund to develop new animated series in the UK and provide support and opportunities for existing and emerging talent. The program, commonly known as Ignite, is intended to seek and establish BBC in-house production talent, and individuals looking for their first break in the animation industry, the Kidscreen website reports.
BBC Children’s & Education Director Patricia Hidalgo dictated the pubcaster’s effort to uncover related creatives.“We’re committed to helping the UK animation industry develop and thrive and I’m delighted that we’re able to launch this initiative," Hidalgo stated. "We know there is a wealth of creative talent across the UK and we want to give everyone an opportunity to showcase their ideas. But we not only want to uncover the best talent and ideas, but we also want to support and nurture those ideas and the talent behind them.”
The company is on the search for original series concepts that have the potential to run for multiple seasons, reach underserved audiences, and have relatable storytelling, recognizable characters, and international appeal. A maximum of 20 projects will be chosen and assured with the development budget. Individual creators who make it through the first round will be paired with a creative team to help them build out their ideas.
The initiative will consist of three stages, 20 ideas given initial funding. Further backing will be allocated at stages two and three for submissions that make it through each round. Both established independent producers and emerging creative talent are welcome to submit ideas for programs aimed at 0-12s, which, if successful, will be given a development budget with potential for a BBC commission. Applications will be accepted unitl 15th August. All related information will be found on Ignite's website.
Commissioners will be looking for originality of ideas, innovative ways in which kids can engage with the show and its characters, the potential to develop the idea for multiple series, ideas that reach underserved audiences, relatable storytelling, recognizable characters, and international appeal. “Animation is a bigger risk and has a longer lead time, so maybe that was the reason we haven’t invested as much in animation,” Hidalgo said. “Also, in the past, there wasn’t a notion that animation could reflect kids’ lives, but I think animation has really developed in recent years and can now reflect children’s lives in so many ways.”
We’re committed to helping the UK animation industry develop and thrive and I’m delighted that we’re able to launch this initiative. We know there is a wealth of creative talent across the UK and we want to give everyone an opportunity to showcase their ideas. But we not only want to uncover the best talent and ideas, but we also want to support and nurture those ideas and the talent behind them.” Patricia Hidalgo Director, BBC Children’s & Education