Bavaria Entertainment has acquired the German-speaking rights to the factual entertainment format. The program has already been commissioned by a major German broadcaster and is set to launch in the summer of 2021.

1 JUL 2020

“What The F***?!”

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Independent content distributor GoQuest Media has licensed a format deal for the hidden camera, wish-fulfilment series “What The F***?!” with renowned Cologne based production company Bavaria Entertainment.

This is the first major deal between the two companies which sees Bavaria Entertainment acquire the German-speaking rights to the factual entertainment format.  “What The F***?!” has already been commissioned by a major German broadcaster and is set to launch in the summer of 2021.

Commenting on the deal Paula McHarg, Head of Europe & North America, GoQuest Media said, “’What The F***?!’ is a fun and feel-good format, which everyone could use right now, and we are delighted to be partnering with Bavaria Entertainment to offer German-speaking audiences this optimistic candid show.”

Participants in the program get the chance to surprise their family and friends in a unique and spectacular way.  In a short period of time, participants secretly learn something that seems impossible or unexpected from them.  Once they learn and master the skill, they will surprise their family and friends, with a hidden camera capturing their most extraordinary moments. “What The F***?!”, a feel-good candid show, is based on a Dutch format “What the Frans” which successfully aired on NP01 in the Netherlands and was remade for TV2 Norway.


What The F***?!’ is a fun and feel-good format, which everyone could use right now, and we are delighted to be partnering with Bavaria Entertainment to offer German-speaking audiences this optimistic candid show” Paula McHarg Head of Europe & North America, GoQuest Media

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