Gruppo Alcuni live-action animated series "Gateway 66” debuts on RAI YoYo

The title is a collaboration between Italy’s Gruppo Alcuni, Green Ink Animation and RAI Kids, along with the MUSE Museum of Natural Science, the starchitect Renzo Piano Foundation and TFC.

15 APR 2024

"Gateway 66”

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After an enthusiastic showcasing at MIPTV, live-action animated series "Gateway 66" (26x6’) from Gruppo Alcuni is set to air on Rai YoYo from Monday, April 15th. The title is a wildly creative and undeniably fruitful edutainment collaboration between Italy’s Gruppo Alcuni, Green Ink Animation and RAI Kids, along with the MUSE Museum of Natural Science, the starchitect Renzo Piano Foundation and TFC.

With a target audience of ages 6-10 and directed by Sergio Manfio, (NYAFA Best Director 2023 for the series "Leo da Vinci"), in "Gateway 66" the spotlight is on making science a thrilling and fun-filled adventure for kids.

An inspired physicist investigates 4D time travel, only to end up trapped in her own hyperspace portal, as two teen heroes set off to the rescue, thanks to a wormhole activated by an uncanny device taking them back 66 million years.

Packed with past, present and future realities, and delivered through a captivating storyline where the good guys are up against an alarmingly no-good baddie who intends to change the course of history, this series is sure to have young inquiring minds eager for more!