The animated, eco-conscious, film from Italy’s Al One heads to the UK, CIS & Baltics, Taiwan and Spain.

13 JUL 2021


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Pink Parrot Media (PPM) has secured several new theatrical sales for the multi-award-winning 3D animated feature, "Trash" from Italy’s Al One. The animated, eco-conscious, film heads to the UK with Signature, CIS & Baltics with Top Film, Taiwan with Muse and Spain through Paycom.

“We are thrilled to have reached agreements with these partners, and are very eager to share this film, what we call our ‘ecological fable’, with these new audiences and reach as many kids worldwide with this animated feature” said Tania Pinto Da Cunha, Vice-President and Head of International Sales at Pink Parrot Media. “This is a fun and entertaining, family-friendly film with a valuable and very timely story for all to enjoy.”

The  88’ min movie focuses on the importance of recycling and giving a second life to litter in a meaningful way. In a world where trash comes to life by night, the feature film follows the adventures of a bunch of waste in a quest to pursuit a mythical recycling bin. Released in Italy by renowned distributor Notorious, "Trash" is directed by Luca Della Grotta and Francesco Dafano.

The film continues to be highly recognized throughout the industry, earning a gamut of awards including: the audience award - Festival del Cinema Italiano di Madrid (2020), the Giffoni feature film Experience (2021) and more recently garnered the Silver Remi Award at the World Fest-Houston International Film Festival 2021.  

The sales team is currently presenting new art for feature film "Butterfly Tale", which is currently in production. PPM returns to Cannes with additional titles in their portfolio including the new 2D TV series "Joy Eternal" (13x11) and the prequel CGI series "Butterfly Academy" (52x11) which has been selected by Cartoon Forum 2021.