The Voiceover Gallery announces new AI dubbing and localisation offering

The services are designed to be used for long and short form work at a quick turnaround using high-quality voices cloned from the companies' extensive voice database.

9 SEP 2024

The Voiceover Gallery

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Audio production company The Voiceover Gallery launches its new AI dubbing and localisation-managed services, delivered at both basic and premium levels. The services are designed to be used for long and short form work at a quick turnaround using high-quality voices cloned from the companies' extensive voice database.

Joe Lewis, Head of Audio at The Voiceover Gallery says “We are excited to launch our new AI service. Although we are by no means dialling back our human voices, we feel that having both options is a great addition to our comprehensive voice, dubbing and audio production offering.”

The new service will allow for work to be generated without the need to wait for artist availability. This will enable projects to be delivered at scale and with a consistent voice across different territories and languages to any specification.

The Voiceover Gallery has created a managed 3-step process to ensure its clients receive the high-standard deliverables that as a professional audio production company, they pride themselves on: QC/edit of the script to ensure the AI generation is correct; The AI generation itself and a final QC process by a native linguist to check the generated script has no pronunciation/accent/timing errors.

The Voiceover Gallery continues to support its voiceover artists, who they work closely with to ensure they are comfortable with being cloned as well as fairly compensated for the use of their voice. All VOs are made aware of any projects using their clone so that they can consent to having their name attached before the job begins.