The eight-part series, produced by START and SREDA originally made its debut in Russia on the subscription-based streaming service START in 2020 and premiered on linear TV on TNT earlier this year. 

20 MAY 2021

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ZDF Enterprises has acquired the global distribution rights, with the exception of Russia and CIS, but including the Baltics and Ukraine to “Sherlock: The Russian Chronicles.” The START original series is produced by START and SREDA. 

The deal for the first Russian-produced series in ZDF Enterprises’ drama catalog was brokered by Mirela Nastase, Director ZDFE.drama, ZDF Enterprises. “START has a reputation for producing high-end drama and this series delivers on all fronts: a great script, top acting talent, and beautifully filmed,” Robert Franke, Vice President ZDFE.drama, ZDF Enterprises, said. “We are extremely pleased to work with the Russian team and are convinced there will be many more exciting projects to come!”

“Sherlock: The Russian Chronicles” was written by Oleg Malovichko and directed by Nurbek Egen. Before ZDF Enterprises acquiring the licensing rights, the series was sold by START to Japan’s NHK Enterprises for the AXN Mystery channel. The eight-part mystery thriller originally premiered in Russia on the subscription-based streaming service START in 2020 and made its linear debut on TNT earlier this year. “Taking an iconic British figure to Russia has enabled us to bring some totally new ideas to the wonderful and captivating world of Sherlock Holmes and we are very much looking forward to seeing Sherlock travel further abroad with ZDF Enterprises,” Daria Bondarenko, EVP Sales and Acquisitions, Yellow, Black and White, and START said. 

“Sherlock: The Russian Chronicles” follows the esteemed detective from London to St Petersburg as he hunts down a suspected serial killer, the infamous Jack the Ripper. The drama unfolds in stunning locations in 19th century Russia, with new characters Dr Kartsev and Sophia joining Sherlock to solve a series of mysterious cases.

START has a reputation for producing high-end drama and this series delivers on all fronts: a great script, top acting talent, and beautifully filmed. We are extremely pleased to work with the Russian team and are convinced there will be many more exciting projects to come!” Robert Franke Vice President ZDFE.drama, ZDF Enterprises

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