13 JAN 2023

How many SVOD subscriptions in the Nordics are borrowed from another household?

As many as 3 million SVOD subscriptions in the Nordics are currently accessed using another household’s subscription, according to Mediavision's latest analysis of the Nordic TV and streaming market.

13 JAN 2023

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Shared streaming subscriptions have been a hot industry topic lately. And for good reason, as it means lost revenues for the actors. As many as 3 million SVOD subscriptions in the Nordics are currently accessed using another household’s subscription, according to Mediavision's latest analysis of the Nordic TV and streaming market.

Looking at all subscriptions for the 15 largest SVOD services, close to 20% is shared with a non-paying household. Netflix has the highest share of borrowed subscriptions, with close to a million Nordic households stating they have access without paying.

Mediavision also asked households that currently borrow subscriptions how they would act if sharing was no longer possible. Just over half of the borrowed subscriptions would not be replaced with a paid one. But it is also clear that many of those that borrow subscriptions also pay themselves - but for other services. Maybe the so-called hybrid services – less expensive, and partly ad-financed subscriptions – would be an alternative for them.

“It is a challenge for SVOD actors that so many subscriptions are shared. But perhaps cheaper, partly ad-financed, services can become a solution and a way to reduce sharing. There are many indications that 2023 will be the year of wider subscription options being established. For growth it is important to have more paid subscriptions,”  commented Marie Nilsson, CEO at Mediavision.