Cineflix Rights is set to distribute Nutopia’s premium documentary series, “Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer.” “We look forward to working with Cineflix Rights to further the worldwide exposure of this timely series,” Carl Griffin, Managing Director, Nutopia, said.
The series, produced by Nutopia for PBS, reveals medical advances that will allow the global population to live longer lives. “Now more than ever, we need a show that provides thoughtful research and clarity on issues surrounding public health,” Griffin said. “‘Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer’ tells the untold story of the innovations in science and medicine that doubled the human lifespan in under a century and celebrates the unsung heroes who made this happen.”
The funding for the production was provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, CDC Foundation, the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the New Venture Fund, and PBS. “It is the perfect program for our times and produced to the exceptional quality for which Nutopia is renowned,” Richard Life, Head of Acquisitions, Cineflix Rights, said. “We are delighted to be partnering with them on what will be a highlight of our spring and summer launch.”
The four-part show reveals the little-known stories of the innovations in science and medicine that have been revealed overtime. Best-selling author Steven Johnson along with historian and broadcaster David Olusoga use their knowledge to guide viewers across 300 years of medical innovation and break down modern medicine to meet the leading health experts who are tackling Covid-19 and other current public health problems.
Now more than ever, we need a show that provides thoughtful research and clarity on issues surrounding public health. ‘Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer’ tells the untold story of the innovations in science and medicine that doubled the human lifespan in under a century and celebrates the unsung heroes who made this happen.” Carl Griffin Managing Director, Nutopia