1 AUG 2024

USA: TV networks account for 30% of top 100 FAST channels

According to Amagi, TV networks drive a 40% share in total Hours of Viewing (HOV) across these channels. Additionally, among Amagi-delivered FAST channels, Global HOV (31%) and ad impressions (26%) continued to show double-digit growth during the comparison period (Q2 2024 versus Q2 2023).

1 AUG 2024

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Amagi, a company specialized in cloud-based SaaS technology for broadcast and connected TV (CTV), announced the release of its 12th Amagi Global FAST Report, which found that FAST delivers a significant impact on the business for TV Networks and D2C streamers. With the increasing expansion of broadcaster-owned channels in FAST, Amagi insights found that TV networks account for 30% of the top 100 FAST channels, driving a 40% share in total Hours of Viewing (HOV) across these channels. Additionally, among Amagi-delivered FAST channels, Global HOV (31%) and ad impressions (26%) continued to show double-digit growth during the comparison period (Q2 2024 versus Q2 2023). These findings underscore the significant role that FAST channels play in the rapidly evolving streaming landscape, demonstrating FAST's ability to adapt and thrive in the face of new technologies and viewing habits.

Srinivasan KA, Co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer of Amagi gave a general explanation about the current state of play: "The latest edition of our report highlights the substantial role FAST plays in the streaming ecosystem. With TV Networks accounting for a substantial portion of the top channels and viewing hours, it's clear that FAST provides a great avenue for traditional media companies to draw additional revenues in the digital age. This report also underscores the ongoing double-digit growth in global HOV and ad impressions, demonstrating the robust health of the FAST market;" explained.

Meanwhile, Alan Wolk, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst at TVREV:"While regional differences remain in the types of content found on FASTs, the concept of free linear channels as a popular delivery mechanism is a universal phenomenon," commented.

The newly released Amagi Global FAST Report offers critical data and insights derived from over 50 FAST services and 5,000-plus channels using Amagi Thunderstorm, the company's cutting-edge Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) platform. Additionally, the report incorporates findings from the 2024 Amagi Consumer Survey (April-June), which reflects the preferences and viewing habits of nearly 500 U.S. households across various income brackets.

Key takeaways from the 12th Amagi Global FAST Report include that consumers are increasingly comfortable with exploring FAST offerings, with 75% of Amagi's Consumer Survey respondents indicating they would create a free profile on a streaming service to sample FAST channels, and more than half would enter their credit card information. FAST sees continued growth among key metrics worldwide, with Global HOV (31%) and ad impressions (26%) continuing to show double-digit growth. The total number of broadcaster-owned channels within FAST increased by approximately 2.5 times. The total number of FAST channels within O&O apps increased by almost 50%. Lastly, more than 25% of entertainment channels are Single IP channels, driving more than 33% of HOV within the genre.