Paramount+ announced the start of production for the second season of "The Envoys." The original series is directed by Oscar-winning director and screenwriter Juan José Campanella and produced by VIS, Paramount's international studio, in association with 100 Bares and Portocabo.
Starring Luis Gerardo Méndez and Miguel Ángel Silvestre alongside Assira Abbate, "The Envoys" is being filmed in various locations throughout Galicia, Spain. The cast also includes Marta Etura, Martí Cordero, Susi Sánchez, Charo Zapardiel, Cristina Marcos, Ricardo de Barreiro, Isabel Naveira, Miquel Insúa, Pepón Nieto, Pepo Suevos, Guillermo Carbajo, Francis Lorenzo, Carlos Olalla, and Luis Iglesia.
The thriller will be led by returning Showrunner and Director, Juan José Campanell, who will work alongside Martino Zaidelis, Camilo Antolini and Inma Torrente; with Muriel Cabezas serving as executive producer for 100 Bares and Alfonso Blanco for Portocabo.
The first season of "The Envoys," a global hit on Paramount+, was honored at the New York Festivals TV & Film Awards, one of the most prestigious international awards in the industry, where it received a Gold Award for Best Drama and the Silver Award for Best Screenplay. The second season finds priests Simón Antequera and Pedro Salinas once again on the mission to verify a miracle, this time in a convent that is home to three blind nuns. But shortly after their arrival in the village, Joaquín, one of their hosts, dies, and so they find themselves involved in a double investigation: one of a mystical nature and the other much earthlier.