Winsing Animation has added several new animated titles to its MIPTV lineup, including new comedy sitcom "Mongo" that aims to bring joy and laughter to everyone. "Mongo" is Winsing's brand-new WIP animated series to bring audiences onto the screen in hand-painted style.
"Mongo" follows a series of stories about Hubro the huskie, Habibi the ginger cat and Heddy the parrot, a team of experts making troubles around the house. Winsing considers that this animation not only allows the audiences to get away from real life for a while, but also can be a sip of chicken soup to ease their soul.
In addition, Winsing also adds mecha-adventure "Mega Meow" to the lineup, a cooperation CGI animated series between Winsing and iQIYI for kids aged 6 to 9.
Further to include but not limited to the 11th season of "Gogobus", youth-oriented anime XU WU, and GG Bond 8th franchise film, "Racing 72H", which fixes its theatrical release on April 29 in mainland China.