Banijay has acquired the global distribution rights to new ITV1 and ITVX reality entertainment series, "The Fortune Hotel."“Building on our excellent long-standing partnership with Tuesday’s Child, we’re thrilled to now partner on 'The Fortune Hotel,' the edge-of-your-seat competition series that provides twists aplenty in a fabulous sunny location," Helen Greatorex, Head of Format Acquisitions, Banijay and Simon Cox, EVP Content & Acquisitions, Banijay Rights said. "We’re excited by the potential for this format to travel across our production footprint and beyond and are in no doubt both format and finished series will resonate globally with viewers worldwide.”
In a deal negotiated by Banijay Rights with Tuesday’s Child, Banijay will represent the format, with distribution arm, Banijay Rights, handling finished tape sales for the new primetime series, which invites viewers into a luxury Caribbean resort filled with glamour, opulence and deception.
"The Fortune Hotel" will launch on ITV1 and ITVX in 2024, produced by creators Tuesday’s Child who also retain the rights to produce the format in the US. Ben Wilson is Series Editor for Tuesday’s Child with Steph Harris as Executive Producer. “We’re delighted to, once again, be working with Banijay on this new high-paced event series, continuing our ever-fruitful partnership which began with global format sensation Lego Masters," Karen Smith, Managing Director, Tuesday’s Child said.
Hosted by Stephen Mangan, the eight-part series will see 10 pairs of contestants arrive at The Fortune Hotel, where they will each be given an all-important briefcase. However, only one plays home to the ultimate cash jackpot of £250,000… Eight are empty, and one contains the dreaded Early Checkout Card – whichever pair is left holding that at the end of each show will see their stay brought to a dramatic, and premature, end.
Every day "The Fortune Hotel" contestants have the chance to try to uncover who has which case through playing compelling challenges, and as the “Whogotit” mystery ramps up for the hotel guests, viewers at home will remain deliciously in-the-know throughout, witness to all of their plans and strategies playing out. The climax of each episode is the nerve-shredding case swap in the seductive Lady Luck bar where each pair must decide whether to keep or swap.
We’re excited by the potential for this format to travel across our production footprint and beyond and are in no doubt both format and finished series will resonate globally with viewers worldwide.” Helen Greatorex Head of Format Acquisitions, Banijay and Simon Cox, EVP Content & Acquisitions, Banijay Rights