ATV’s hit Turkish drama “Hercai” continues to make tremendous impact not only locally, but also internationally, after having been acquired by 32 countries so far. Recently, the series became a subject to an essay written by American psychologist Patti Feuereisen.
The transition journey of the characters and the psychological dimensions are examined focusing on the love between Reyyan and Miran. The breaking point in the story is when Miran falls in love with Reyyan, whose family is responsible for the death of his parents. He is raised by his grandmother, whom is full of hatred and aims to take revenge from Sadoglu Family. After he takes his revenge out on her, Feuereisen underlines that his heart starts to change. He discovers his own self, the feeling of being loved and the pure energy that love brings.
“The successful transition into a separate self allows Miran to open his heart spiritually, with the love and hope which has always been blocked by his grandmother’s narcissistic obsession. This moment turns ‘Hercai’s’ story into a new hopeful journey for Miran, full of healing and letting go of layers of psychological boundaries,” Fuereisen noted.