The second series of Mondo TV Studios' hit animated show "MeteoHeroes" (52x11') has received the green badge known as the seal of sustainable production, awarded by the Tenerife Film Commission. The company, whose headquarters in Tenerife incorporates measures to minimise its carbon footprint, carried out the pre-production of series 2 of the children's animation show on the island along with Meteo Operations Italia (MOPI), Italy’s leading meteorological institute, is an environmentally themed show.
During the production process, Mondo TV Studios carried out a sustainability plan and an environmental management plan, both of which are essential if a company is to obtain the green badge. For the sustainability plan, the company took advantage of the opening of its headquarters in Tenerife to adopt measures and resources that favour recycling. To carry out the environmental management plan, Mondo TV Studios partnered with the NGO Tree-Nation, which helped the company in calculating its carbon footprint and in adopting compensatory measures.
The physical certificate will be delivered during the next Quirino Awards, which recognises the talent of the Ibero-American animation industry, on Thursday, 11 May. This is also the date on which the presentation of the Tenerife studios to the forum participants is scheduled.
"MeteoHeroes", a big hit with its core target audience of four-to-seven-year-olds, stands out for its message focused on the fight against climate change and in favour of the protection of the environment. Each episode focuses on themes related to ecology and respect for nature through the adventures of six children who discover that they have superpowers through which they can control weather phenomena. In addition, the show advocates values such as friendship, solidarity, gender equality, teamwork and inclusion – values that are essential in the field of sustainability and that the series aims to convey to its young audience.
The first season of "MeteoHeroes" is already available in 145 countries and 22 languages, with strong ratings in Italy on Cartoonito and in Spain, through Clan. The second season of "MeteoHeroes" had its world premiere on Cartoonito in April 2022 and broadcast plans have been confirmed by many other international channels and platforms such as Canal+ France, M2, TVN Chile's cultural and family channel NTV, and the SVOD platform Panda+.
Maria Bonaria Fois, CEO at Mondo TV Studios, says: “The green seal awarded to 'MeteoHeroes 2' by the Tenerife Film Commission reaffirms our efforts in compliance with sustainable production standards and certifies our productions as respectful towards the environment. In recent months we have worked on the preparation of a set of actions to be implemented in the different stages of production, aimed mainly at the acquisition of more ecological materials and resources and the implementation of recycling practices. We are very proud that content like 'MeteoHeroes', which bases its important message on caring for our planet, is also associated with the highest standards of sustainable production.”
Luigi Latini, creator of “MeteoHeroes” and CEO of MOPI, adds: “This recognition is perfectly in line with the value proposition of 'MeteoHeroes'. We not only want to educate children to respect the planet and protect nature, but we also want to make concrete gestures to show that we are the first to believe in what we offer our little viewers. I would like to thank Mondo TV Studios for proving once again that it is the ideal partner to accompany the 'MeteoHeroes' on their adventure to save our beautiful planet”.
The green seal awarded to 'MeteoHeroes 2' by the Tenerife Film Commission reaffirms our efforts in compliance with sustainable production standards and certifies our productions as respectful towards the environment.” Maria Bonaria Fois CEO at Mondo TV Studios