Banijay confirmed that Viaplay Group has ordered first seasons of "MasterChef: Young Talent" in Denmark and Norway, produced by Banijay companies Metronome in Denmark and Nordisk Banijay in Norway.“This exciting spin-off will showcase a new demographic of talent and equip a future generation of chefs with the best tools and experiences," Lucas Green, Global Head of Content Operations at Banijay, said. "It is the perfect example of MasterChef’s constant evolution as a format, and with Metronome and Nordisk Banijay building on their successful credits, audiences are set for some fantastic new MasterChef moments.”
"MasterChef: Young Talent" is the latest spin-off from the world’s most successful cookery television format which also includes "Celebrity MasterChef," "MasterChef: The Professionals," "Junior MasterChef," "MasterChef All Stars," "MasterChef Senior" and the recently announced Young MasterChef (w/t) with BBC Three in the UK, which will be dedicated to up-and-coming young food talent between the ages of 18 and 25. Created by Franc Roddam, the show is produced in over 60 territories and celebrated its 500th series globally in 2021, with 49 productions airing in 33 territories last year. An international ratings hit, the current season of "MasterChef" in Denmark has seen strong ratings, with its debut exceeding the slot average by 110%+. Elsewhere, the recent finale of Argentina’s first ever Celebrity MasterChef peaked at an incredible 82.3% audience share.
The new iteration of the hit culinary format showcases promising chefs aged 13 – 18, who will have their culinary skills honed throughout the competition in a celebration of talent and regional gastronomic excellence. Each week under the eye of expert judges, the contestants will be faced with several tasks, and must produce exceptional food. The series culminates in one chef being crowned the MasterChef: Young Talent winner. This follows the news that Viaplay are bringing "Celebrity MasterChef" to the Netherlands for the first time this autumn, produced by SimpelZodiak, a Banijay Benelux company.
Nordisk Banijay, led by Erlend Hernø Røeggen, is recognized for producing top entertainment shows in the market. "MasterChef: Young Talent" will sit alongside "71 Degrees North," "All Against 1" and "Strictly Come Dancing" in its slate. Led by Tina Christensen, "Metronome" boasts a strong portfolio producing both internationally known formats such as, "LEGO Masters," "Hunted," "The Block," "Ex on the Beach" and "All Against 1," as well as creating its hit own IP such as "Alone Together" and "Surviving the Wilderness." “MasterChef is an incredibly popular format for both young and old, and we are very proud to have the format on Viaplay," Kenneth Kristensen, SVP Non Scripted Content at Viaplay Group said. "We were convinced that there are also many talented young people who can impress and surprise in the kitchen, and this assumption has been more than true. We are looking forward to showing our viewers MasterChef: Young Talent on Viaplay as the young talented chefs have excelled beyond all expectations. It's always exciting to develop current formats, and here's a super great example of a completely obvious spinoff.”
This exciting spin-off will showcase a new demographic of talent and equip a future generation of chefs with the best tools and experiences. It is the perfect example of MasterChef’s constant evolution as a format, and with Metronome and Nordisk Banijay building on their successful credits, audiences are set for some fantastic new MasterChef moments.” Lucas Green Global Head of Content Operations, Banijay