Tubi, a free, ad-supported streaming video service, said that it now has 25 million monthly active users and that it saw a big jump in engagement during 2019. The new user base numbers for Tubi are up from the 20 million monthly active users the company announced in July 2019. Tubi also said that in December, total viewing time rose to more than 163 million hours watched - a year over year increase of 160%.
The company says markets outside the U.S. saw significant growth in 2019, as well, with Canada and Australia seeing a 357% increase in total view time.
As Tubi’s usage and content lineup grows, so too does the company itself. In 2019, Tubi said it increased its headcount to more 229 full-time employees, an increase of 78% versus 2018. The company said it will “rapidly add more employees in the coming year as Tubi continues its expansion both domestically and internationally”.
That said, Tubi’s numbers point toward increased consumer adoption of free, ad-supported streaming to complement their Netflix viewing - especially as popular library titles depart streamers. It’s also carving out a place for itself in a market where consumers are now being overrun with choice from streaming providers, which often comes at a cost.
Today, Tubi works with more than 250 content partners, including Warner Bros., Paramount and Lionsgate, to fuel its service. It plans to grow that library of now 20K movies and shows in 2020 by investing more than $100 million in content.
“Our growth over the last year is a clear testament to the success of our focused strategy in a now-cluttered marketplace,” said Tubi CEO Farhad Massoudi, in a statement. “We’re excited people globally have embraced Tubi as a complement to subscription video and aim to deliver an even larger library of premium content in 2020,” conclueded.