The animated series is currently airing simultaneously on RAI, and KIKA with impressive ratings of over-41% peaks in the 3-13 age audience range.

8 APR 2021

“Leonardo da Vinci”

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Animated series “Leonardo da Vinci” from Gruppo Alcuni is currently airing simultaneously on RAI in Italy, and on KIKA in Germany with impressive ratings of over-41% peaks in the 3-13 age audience range, and maintaining a stable over-32% audience average. “Leonardo da Vinci” is a 13 minute, 52 episode-series tribute to young genius Leo da Vinci, conceived by Italian animation virtuoso Gruppo Alcuni, and co-produced with Rai Ragazzi, HR and KiKA, Cosmos Maya and All Rights Entertainment.

“'Leo da Vinci' is truly a great opportunity for Gruppo Alcuni because it confirms a quantum leap for CGI animation. It’s undeniable that our Leo has raised the standards, and is currently ranking high among top-quality animation series. Given this great result, we’ve decided to continue our adventure, so the second season is already in development,” comments series producer Francesco Manfio. "As director, it’s been an inspiring experience to work with such a qualified international team, where every member (German, French, Indian, and Italian of course) gave their all to the series success. We discussed aspects over and over again, but always aiming at creating a high quality product,"  he concluded.

Rai Ragazzi’s Director, Luca Milano: “'Leo da Vinci' is a first class series, amusing and educational. The fact that it’s airing simultaneously on Italian and German public televisions is a great sign, and shows just how rewarding a collaboration between European networks and five-star independent producers, like Gruppo Alcuni, can be."

Patricia Vasapollo, HR’s Fiction and Family Executive: “'Leo da Vinci' is being aired on KiKA as of March 1 st . At HR we are extremely proud to have co-produced this phenomenal animated series. We can’t wait to experience the adventures of the extraordinary teen genius Leo da Vinci, along with our young audience. We are impressed by the magic and passion that Gruppo Alcuni steeped into this series”.


It’s undeniable that our Leo has raised the standards, and is currently ranking high among top-quality animation series. Given this great result, we’ve decided to continue our adventure, so the second season is already in development” Francesco Manfio Series producer and CEO at Gruppo Alcuni