Millimages’ flagship animated series “Molang” continues its successful journey around the world. Broadcasted in Italy on Rai Yoyo, the show’s market share is above the average for the morning time slot, with peak viewing hitting double the normal numbers of the channel this month.
“Rai Com is extremely happy with the results of the fifth season of ‘Molang’. Broadcast started in April 2022 on Rai Yoyo, and the series is already reaching record audiences. It really is proof that ‘Molang’ is beloved by the public in Italy,” commented Cristina Perna, Licensing Agent for Rai Com.
At the same time, the fourth season of “Molang” is now available on the number one pay TV platform in Malaysia, with over 72% of the market. The deal also included renewal of rights of Molang seasons one and three.
Millimages’ content sales and development team was at this year's MIPTV in Cannes, France, to showcase its iconic IPs as well as brand news projects.