Prime Entertainment animated film “Looking for Santa” to be premiere in Italy

The film produced by Folimage is set to air primarily on Rai Yoyo, the leading TV channel for pre-schoolers in Italy, and their free VOD platform Rai Play.

23 NOV 2022

“Looking for Santa”

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Prime Entertainment Group has closed a deal with RAI KIDS for the hit animated movie “Looking for Santa” (26’) produced by Prime’s sister company Folimage. The film is set to air primarily on their channel for younger audiences, Rai Yoyo, the leading TV channel for pre-schoolers in Italy, and their free VOD platform Rai Play.

Prime’s Head of Sales, Alexandra Marguerite, commented on the deal: “We are proud to seal the new deal with such an important player as Rai KIDS and particularly glad that the Italian audience will soon discover this heart-warming short film about Christmas.”

“Looking For Santa” (26’) features ten-year-old William fighting loneliness in the mansion of his wealthy parents. Used to getting everything he wants; he asks for Santa Claus himself for Christmas. To fulfil his son’s desire, William’s father hires a renowned hunter, who sets a trap for his exceptional prey, but will William’s selfish wish put an end to the magic of Christmas? The film concludes with the heart-warming message that it is love that is the most important gift there is.

This deal will mark Prime’s new partnership with the Italian media house, with the previous deal for another award-winning animated film “Vanille, a Caribbean tale” (31’)