Viaplay recently unveiled details about its drama series, "My Fault," based on the bestselling autobiography by the renowned Norwegian politician and former minister Abid Raja. “Culture has the power to move, and to inspire reflection and change. I have the greatest trust in Odd-Magnus Williamson as a screenwriter and Per-Olav Sørensen as a director," Abid Raja said. "I hope that my openness can help more people to talk about their difficulties and get rid of the guilt and shame that we all carry. I hope we can silence that negative voice inside us.”
"My Fault" is produced by Janne Hjeltnes and Ingrid Skagestad at The Global Ensemble Drama, with Kari Moen Kristiansen serving as executive producer for Viaplay. Star director Per-Olav Sørensen and scriptwriter Odd-Magnus Williamson will contribute to the Norwegian-language production, which is developed by The Global Ensemble Drama. On-screen talents for the series will be announced at a later time.
Abid Raja is currently Second Deputy Leader of Norway’s Liberal Party and served as the country’s Minister of Culture, Sports & Equality from January 2020 to October 2021. He was Vice President of the Storting, the Norwegian parliament, between 2017 and 2020, becoming only the second Muslim to hold the office in the country’s history. ‘My Fault’ was Norway’s most sold book in 2021. “To get the chance to create a Viaplay series that depicts such dramatic situations, humiliating events, heartbreaking experiences and overwhelming love is a gift," Per-Olav Sørensen said. "‘My Fault’ is a story that hits you hard, right in the stomach.”
“Abid Raja’s personal story is remarkable," Filippa Wallestam, Viaplay Group Chief Content Officer said. "One of Norway’s most famous political figures, his advocacy on vital topics such as civil rights, tolerance and religious freedom is increasingly attracting international attention. This adaptation of 2021’s number one book in Norway by two of the country’s biggest creative stars has the potential to make a deep impression on Viaplay audiences everywhere.”
Culture has the power to move, and to inspire reflection and change. I have the greatest trust in Odd-Magnus Williamson as a screenwriter and Per-Olav Sørensen as a director. I hope that my openness can help more people to talk about their difficulties and get rid of the guilt and shame that we all carry. I hope we can silence that negative voice inside us.” Abid Raja Former Minister