The show premiered last Monday on Antena 3 under the local title “Mi Hija,” where it enjoyed the best debut of any drama since 2019. In detail, nearly 3 million Spanish viewers watched the first episode for a staggering 17.2% share.

5 JAN 2021

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Turkish drama distributor Madd Entertainment announced that Medyapim’s hit drama “My Little Girl” continues to rack up big ratings around the world, this time setting audience records for prime time on Antena 3, one of Spain’s leading free-to-air networks.

“My Little Girl” premiered last Monday in the 10 pm slot on Antena 3 under the local title “Mi Hija,” where it enjoyed the best debut of any drama since 2019. In detail, nearly 3 million Spanish viewers watched the first episode for a staggering 17.2% share. “My Little Girl” debuted as the lead-in for “Woman” (Mujer), another Turkish series from Medyapim, which began airing on Antena 3 on July, and has garnered an incredible primetime audience of its own.

“My Little Girl” launched on Turkey’s TV8 in 2018 and revolves around a precocious orphan with Sanfilipo syndrome — sometimes called “childhood Alzheimer's” because of how it ravages the memory. The orphan is played by child star Beren Gökyıldız, who is reunited with her long-lost father, portrayed by the charismatic Buğra Gülsoy. Gülsoy’s performance as an irresponsible man-child who must grow up and accept his responsibilities lends a sweet and sometimes comic tone to this family drama, which has already been picked up by over 40 territories around the world.

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