ViacomCBS International Studios (VIS) announced that “Dani Who?,” the successful teen sci-fi thriller, has just premiered on UniMás, one of the leading broadcast television channels of the Univision group, for the US Hispanic market.

7 JAN 2021

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ViacomCBS International Studios (VIS) announced that “Dani Who?,” the successful teen sci-fi thriller, has just premiered on UniMás, one of the leading broadcast television channels of the Univision group, for the US Hispanic market.

"We have created a name for ourselves and our productions in Mexico have an increasing presence in the US Hispanic market. ‘Dani Who?’ was one of the first projects we announced at VIS, and we are proud that after its premieres throughout Latin America, today we are coming to Univision,”  said Guillermo Borensztein, VP of Content Sales and Co-productions at ViacomCBS International Studios.

“Dani Who?” tells the story of a group of teenagers who become inseparable accomplices after the disappearance of a girl in the town of San Gregorio. Little by little, they discover that they have many things in common and that their stories hide a web of secrets they never could have imagined.

We have created a name for ourselves and our productions in Mexico have an increasing presence in the US Hispanic market” Guillermo Borensztein VP of Content Sales and Co-productions at ViacomCBS International Studios