Winsing animated series "Gogobus" will have new fans in China as the Season 7 is going to launch on major TV broadcasters Aniworld TV and KAKU Channel as well as online portals Mango TV and YOUKU on July 2nd.
Differing from the previous seasons that happen mainly in the kindergarten, in the new season, "Gogobus" will take the children out for a study trip. On the trip, they enjoy the beautiful scenery in nature, the unique scenery, and know more about the varied climate and cultural customs.
When incidents occur, "Gogobus" will apply his knowledge and artificial intelligence to solve problems. After encountering a series of adventures, they get to grow together.
In the recent time, "Gogobus" has been finalisted in the 5th China Licensing Awards for New IP of the Year, and the Russian version of the series is in dubbing now and will soon be aired in CIS territories.