The scripted comedy, developed and produced by United Studios of Israel and created by Ran Dovrat, Avi Belkin and Ohad Perach, continues expanding worldwide following three successful seasons on Channel 10 and Reshet 13.

24 MAY 2021

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ITV Studios' Armoza Formats has licensed "La Famiglia" to NOVY in Ukraine. The network has acquired loca rights to air a total of with 16 episodes.“We are happy and proud to have another opportunity to adapt our lovely series “La Famiglia” – this time in Ukraine. We will not stop until there are at least ten international versions,”  Efrat Dror, Co-CEO at United Studios of Israel, said. 

The scripted comedy continues travelling globally following three successful seasons on Channel 10 and Reshet 13. A second season of the format is currently in production for Amazon Prime Video in India while a first season is currently being produced in Russia. 60 episodes of a Greek adaptation is currently on air.  “The recent success of “La Famiglia” around the world shows that comedy is truly universal and that nothing makes people laugh more than a family comedy that they can relate to,” Salome Peillon, Head of Sales at Armoza Formats said. “We look forward to seeing what is next for this hit comedy starting with the latest adaptation in Ukraine.”

The original Israeli series was developed and produced by United Studios of Israel and created by Ran Dovrat, Avi Belkin and Ohad Perach, "La Famiglia" (45x30’) follows the lives of a perfectly normal suburban family living in the divorce capital of the country. With many reasons to be happy, they have even more reasons to go to therapy, their sex life, his best friend, her complaints, and of course, his mother. 

Their therapy sessions provide the entertaining basis for the series, through which we flashback to the comical, stand-alone scenes from their daily life. Each episode is a new therapy session in which they bring up the most embarrassing, bizarre, awkward and insane moments that are a part of every family’s life. “I am delighted with the international success of the series,” Ami Glam, CCO of Reshet 13 and Head of 13Global, said. “There is no doubt that a comedy about the average family, dealing with situations from the day-to-day family life, will touch the hearts of viewers worldwide. I am proud of the series’ success, creators and great actors.”

I am delighted with the international success of the series. There is no doubt that a comedy about the average family, dealing with situations from the day-to-day family life, will touch the hearts of viewers worldwide. I am proud of the series’ success, creators and great actors.” Ami Glam CCO of Reshet 13, Head of 13Global

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